The Programming Cable

If you want to actually buy yourself the cable you can order it from ELV. There are two options: Either you buy the assembled cable (ordering number 10-189-35, 49.95 DM) or you buy an assembly set (ordering number 10-188-45, 16.95 DM).For the latter you need to have some experience with soldering SMD parts.
In both cases the plug has to be changed because there's no RJ45 socket in the Milan, but a 14 post jumper block.
Pins 13 and 14 in the Milan are superflous, Pin 1-4 are not needed. So the cable has the following connections:

Milan Signal ELV module
Pin 5 Key --
Pin 6 VCC ST 8
Pin 7 iMODE ST 3
Pin 8 iSCLK ST 1
Pin 9 iSDOUT ST 7
Pin 10 iispEN ST 5
Pin 11 iSDIN ST 6
Pin 12 GND ST 2

For those amongst you who have experience in electronics can maybe make this cable yourselves. But you do this on your own risk! Here's the wiring diagram: wiring diagram of ELV module

Ingo Lafrenz 2020